We Welcome Participation.

We welcome participation as a means of sharing experiences, suggesting improvements, and contributing to conversations. We ask you to treat each other, and our employees, with respect. While we encourage the use of social media, AllSouth Federal Credit Union (“AllSouth”) is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for content posted by third parties. If you see inappropriate content please report it to [email protected].

Use Limitations.

While this is an open forum, we intend to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere. Please use appropriate language at all times when posting and/or commenting. By submitting any content, you grant AllSouth the right to use this content in any and all AllSouth websites, including social media channels, print, and other media, without payment or any other considerations.

To ensure exchanges that are productive, informative, respectful of diverse viewpoints and lawful, we will review all comments and we reserve the right to remove any posts or comments that are or include:

  • Offensive Language. Comments including, but not limited to profane or provocative language; threatening, hateful, offensive, derogatory, obscene or sexually explicit language; graphic explicit, racial, or disparaging language; abusive, hateful, or inflammatory language.
  • Personal Attacks. If you disagree with content, we ask that you refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful. Malicious intent, or language intended to defame any person(s) and/or entity is not permitted and will be removed.
  • Spam. Comments focused on selling a product or service, or comments posted for the purpose of driving traffic to a particular website for personal, political or monetary gain are not permitted and will be removed.
  • Illegal Activity. Comments that seek to defame or defraud any financial, commercial, or non-governmental agency are not permitted. Comments that contain any suggestion or encouragement of illegal activity are not permitted. Posts must not violate laws that govern the use of copyrights, trade secrets, etc.
  • Private or Confidential Information.  Please do not provide any of your specific account or loan details or other personal information. If you have immediate service needs, please contact us at (803) 736-3110, 1-800-272-0695, email us at [email protected] or visit any of our locations.
  • Personal Identification. Never post personal, identifying or confidential information. Except for posting names as related to, or identified with, giveaways, contests or other promotions, AllSouth will not post identifiable personal information.
  • Off Topic. Comments that vary greatly from the overall theme of a particular discussion thread may be subject to removal.
  • Posts in HTML Format or URLs. These formats will not be accepted. Please only use plain text when submitting your comments.
  • Posts from Individuals Under the Age of 13. These posts will not be accepted.
  • Posts Containing Photos. These posts will not be accepted unless specifically requested by an authorized representative of AllSouth for a contest or other business-related purposes. In these instances, pictures will be reviewed and will not be posted if deemed inappropriate.

All Rights Reserved.

Comments are reviewed and monitored, but not controlled by AllSouth. At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to edit, delete, move, mark as spam, or deny the posting of user comments, and also have the right to block access to any one group from commenting, or from the page.  


AllSouth does not endorse any comments made by its employees unless they are an authorized representative of the Credit Union. AllSouth does not validate assertions, opinions or statements in the comments. All statements and viewpoints expressed in the comments are strictly those of the commenter alone and do not constitute an official position of AllSouth unless they are posted by the original author (who is an authorized representative of the Credit Union) or by a subject matter expert responding on behalf of that authorized representative.

Links to Third-Party Sites.

We may occasionally post links to third-party sites when we think you’ll find the information helpful. However, please note that this does not in any way constitute an official endorsement of the site or company. Use of any such linked website is at the user’s own risk. You understand that, when going to a third-party website, that site is governed by the third party’s privacy and terms of use, and the third party is solely responsible for the content and offering presented on its website.


Your use of AllSouth’s social media site constitutes your consent to use the information obtained through your site visits and postings. With respect to content collected through our sites, AllSouth follows the applicable privacy policies of the third-party hosts of our sites. Please note that when visiting any AllSouth site, you are subject to the terms and conditions of our privacy notices, as well as the terms of service and privacy policies of third-party hosts (such as Facebook), when applicable.

Please note that by posting comments, posts, tagged photos, videos, ideas, or any other content on our social media pages, you are granting AllSouth nonexclusive, worldwide rights to republish, redistribute, or otherwise use this content in perpetuity in any way we see fit. This includes, but is not limited to, marketing and advertising materials.

Member Service Inquiries.

If you are a member with a question about your AllSouth account, you can contact a Member Service Representative, login to Online or Mobile Banking, or visit AllSouth.org. Please be aware that AllSouth will never ask you for confidential information on social media. If we require additional information, you will be contacted offline and it will only be in response to a question you have submitted to us. All comments and posts on our social media properties will be reviewed to ensure that they comply with our policies.

  • Our social media pages are open for conversations between and among individuals and AllSouth. They are not substitute channels for services or general questions. Please visit allsouth.org for more information about specific products and services.
  • Do not post or transmit material you do not have the right to post or transmit under law (such as copyrighted material, trade secrets or securities) or due to your personal contractual or fiduciary relationships.
  • Our social media pages may not be used for the submission of any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process, or for the exhaustion of any legal and/or administrative remedy.
  • Our social media pages are also not to be used to report phishing, fraud or other criminal activity. If you would like to make a report, please send a secure email, stop by any of our locations or call 803-736-3110 or 1-800-272-0695 so that a Risk Management Representative can assist you.
  • AllSouth reserves the right to ban any user from any of our social properties without prior written notice or consent. Any comment which we deem to be criminal or that instigates or implies violence toward yourself or another person may be reported to the proper authorities.


AllSouth Federal Credit Union reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time at our sole discretion.